MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex Integration & Manual Skills Development | 2024, September 27-29 | Online

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€ 495,00

Upper Limbs Reflex Integration & Manual Skills Development - Online

Prerequisites: Dynamic and Postureal Reflex Integration

Date: 2024, September 27-29 (16 hrs class divided over 3 days)

Class schedule: 15.00-20.30 hrs (Sept. 27), 14.00-20.00 (Sept. 28-29) including breaks. 

Location: Online

Trainer: Dr. Svetlana Masgutova

Coursefee: € 495 Early Bird First Attendance. 

Repeater Discount: 40% discount. Please type 'Repeater' in the field 'Remarks/Opmerkingen'. NoteRepeater discount is not possiblin combination with the WISHLIST or any other discounts. 

WISHLIST Discount: If you are a European resident, you may get a discount. First sign up for our European wishlist and then come back and register for this class. If your wishlist has been sent in or updated after January 1st 2024 and before you sign up for this course, then you will receive a 10% discount. Thank you for keeping your wishlist up-to-date!

Course Overview

Upper limb reflexes begin development in the womb and are among the 
first reflexes to actively engage after birth, first to protect us from harm, 
and second (once security is ensured) to allow active exploration of the
 outside world.

As upper limb motor reflexes engage and mature, they
 form the foundation for the development of learned manual skills. Once
 basic manual skills become automatic, advanced skills begin to emerge
 and a child’s movement repertoire expands and advances to include gross
 motor skills, fine motor coordination, and the motor planning ability neces
sary to productively function in the world. Manual skills are not the only 
developmental abilities dependent upon upper limb reflex integration. The
 visual and auditory systems as well as verbal, written, and general communication related abilities all depend on adequate upper limb reflex integration.

Fine motor coordination systems including the hands-eyes, hands-auditory, and 
hands-articulation systems, link fine motor coordination to visual, auditory, and
 vocal decoding, allowing communication to develop from sounds, to words, to conversations, to reading, to writing, to comprehension and more.

MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex and Manual Skills techniques target reflexes and the underlying neurostructural system to engage and improve manual, gross, or fine motor skill function and speech delays. Many professionals subject to fatigue or upper limb injury often use the upper limb and manual skill techniques as a stress release program.

The MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex Integration & Manual Skills Development course explores:

• the general MNRI® Method and the role played by the Upper Limb Reflex Integration and Manual Skill Development Program

• the progression of upper limb reflex and manual skill development beginning in utero and continuing through life

• the role upper limb reflexes and manual skills play in establishing a foundation for motor, communication and cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral regulation;

  • MNRI® techniques designed to assess, pattern, and integrate upper limb reflexes;
  • How to create MNRI® upper limb reflex integration programs for individual clients;
  • How to incorporate use of the MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex Integration and Manual Skill Development course content into daily client and home practice.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex Integration and Manual Skill Development course participants will:

- demonstrate knowledge about the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex IntegrationSM Method and the innate nature of the motor reflex system,

- demonstrate knowledge of the role of a reflex and its sensory, motor, and central nervous system mechanisms
, and when, why and how the brain engages in protection versus learning and development

- demonstrate knowledge of the role of upper limb reflexes and related manual skill development within the motor reflex system and the neurosensorimotor reflex integration basis for the successful development of manual skills

- demonstrate knowledge of the Robinson Hands Grasp, Hands Pulling, Hands Supporting (Parachute), Sequential Fingers Opening and Closing and Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflexes and the role each reflex plays in upper limb and manual skill development,

- assess and explain the maturational progression of upper limb reflexes and the development of manual skills related to each reflex,

- analyze how upper limb reflexes and related manual skills are involved in the formation of conscious motor control within the brain-body system
, fine motor control hands-eyes, hands-articulation and hands-auditory systems
, fine motor coordination and self-regulation, writing, reading and calculation skills

- discuss and explain how dysfunctional upper limb reflexes and related manual skill development can affect protection, learning and development

- demonstrate and implement MNRI® assessment techniques to determine the integration state (i.e. integrated, dysfunctional or pathological) of each upper limb reflexand demonstrate through supervised hands-on-application the ability to conduct an MNRI® assessment and adequately determine the state of each upper limb reflex ,

- implement the MNRI® techniques to integrate each upper limb reflex, and explore through demonstration and hands-on practice the MNRI® techniques to adequately activate and integrate each upper limb reflex and related manual skills,

- explain through course discussion and instructor demonstration how to deal with unique and challenging client situations using MNRI® method techniques,

- utilize motivating games and activities to use in conjunction with MNRI® techniques to enhance the integration process,

- demonstrate for the course instructor the ability to appropriately apply integration procedures for each upper limb reflex and related manual skills,

- create and apply an individual MNRI® program for clients with various challenges for use with the MNRI® pre-assessment to identify non-integrated or immature upper limb reflexes and
 developing individual MNRI® programs to activate, pattern, and integrate upper limb reflexes,

- demonstrate knowledge regarding the impact of reflex integration for positive change in body structure, posture, and motor reflex system
 and improvements in motor, communication, cognitive learning abilities and emotional and behavioral regulation

- explore, evaluate, and develop strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex and Manual Skill course content into daily client and home practice.

Pattern and Reflex Techniques Addressed in this Course:

• Asymmetric Tonic Neck (ATNR) • Hands Pulling • Robinson Hands Grasp • Babkin Palmomental • Hands Supporting (Parachute) • Sequential Fingers Closing • Sequential Fingers Opening • Fingers Compression/Traction • Wrist Flexion Extension Activation • Babkin Palmomental Activation • Sequential Arm Opening
 • Pincer Gripping Activation • Variant Hand Grasp Pattern
 • Hand/Palm Proprioceptive Stimulation • Tripod Gripping Activation • Pyramid Finger Activation/Squeezing • Rainbow Arms • Upper Limbs Segment Stroking • Arm Embracing Squeeze 
• Wrist-Elbow-Arm Rotations
• Forearm Activation • Forearm Two Bone Stimulation • Wrist Joint Circular Stimulation • Finger Base Proprioceptive Stimulation • Thumb Stress Release

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