MNRI® Oral/Facial Reflex Integration 1 | May 17-19, 2025 | The Netherlands

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€ 576,00

Oral/Facial Reflex Integration Level 1 

Prerequistes: DPRI

Date: May 17-19, 2025

Class schedule: 9.00-18.00 hrs

Location: The Netherlands, Zuid-Holland (TBA: Rijswijk/Delft/'s-Gravenzande)

Trainer: Helena Björelius

Course fee: € 576 Early Bird, valid until April 16, 2025. On April 17, 2025 price will increase to € 640. 

Repeater Discount: 40% discount. Please type 'Repeater' in the field 'Remarks/Opmerkingen'. 


Course Overview

Oral-Facial motor reflexes first appear in infancy and remain active throughout life, supporting a broad range of needs essential to:

  • Human survival, including breathing, rooting, eating and general neurovascular function
  • Accessing and managing visual, auditory, and other sensory system input
  • Different coordination systems in different combinations – hand, mouth, ear, eye, tongue, neck, and cranial coordination systems
  • Nonverbal (emotional expressions and cognitive activity) and verbal communication (articulation)
  • Language development (decoding and coding, phoneme/sound programming and performance) and comprehension

Facial reflexes not only affect function in the facial area, they also affect function though out the whole brain-body system. The MNRI® Facial Reflex Integration Program techniques work to activate and engage reflex actions, movements and patterns necessary for the maturation of more complex motor reflexes and the development of advanced communication and cognition. The engagement and maturation of facial reflexes can be impeded by congenital issues or traumatic events that occur in utero, at birth, or anytime after birth. Depending on the number of facial reflexes and related primary motor reflex patterns impacted, a broad array of associated life challenges can appear. MNRI Facial Reflex program techniques have been used with great success for children experiencing various delays in communication development.

MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course explores:

  • The general MNRI Method and the role played by the Facial Reflex Integration Program
  • Oral-facial reflexes and how they relate to primary motor reflex patterns and important body systems
  • The role oral-facial reflexes play in establishing a foundation for motor, communication and cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral regulation
  • MNRI techniques to assess, pattern, and integrate oral-facial reflexes
  • How to create an MNRI oral-facial reflex integration home program for individual clients
  • How to incorporate MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home practice

Oral Facial 1 Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Method and the innate nature of the motor reflex system, especially the oral-facial nerves.
  2. Explore the role of a reflex pattern and its sensory, motor and central nervous system connections.
  3. Discuss roll MNRI Method techniques play in self-regulation and survival.
  4. Explore the physiological and psychological basis for primary motor reflexes and their maturational stages.
  5. Explore the neurophysiological aspects of the dynamic and postural Oral-Facial reflexes and brainstem functioning.
  6. Demonstrate the role of a reflex patterns and their sensory, motor, and central and autonomic, cranial nervous system mechanisms.
  7. Describe oral-facial reflex patterns activity and how they relate to cognitive oral-motor programing and performance in future articulation development.
  8. Explain the physiological and psychological basis for motor program strategies and developmental stages of oral-facial abilities and skills.
  9. Demonstrate the role of inappropriately developed protection mechanisms and articulation/speech programming.
  10. Explore the when, why, and how the brain engages in negative protection versus positive protection and the effect on learning and development.
  11. Explain the role oral-facial reflexes play in establishing a foundation for oral-motor, language-communication, cognitive development, and emotional and behavioral regulation.
  12. Apply MNRI techniques to assess the mirror neurons activation for tongue activation, articulation/speech imitation.
  13. Explain the maturational role of oral-facial reflexes within the primary motor reflex system and the impact of dysfunctional and pathological reflex patterns on daily life of children and adults with developmental and neurodeficits.
  14. Describe the importance of oral-facial symmetry and the maturational progression of specific oral-facial reflex including the dynamics of each reflex pattern.
  15. Explain the impact integration of each oral-facial reflex can have on protection and survival mechanisms including sucking, swallowing, breathing, rooting, fear paralysis, eating and general oral neuro-cranial-vascular function.
  16. Explore how oral-facial reflexes provide protection and support for the brain functions and neurodevelopment, and for formation of higher skills.
  17. Discuss how to implement MNRI assessment techniques to determine the level of development of a reflex patterns.
  18. Apply hands-on-practice of the MNRI techniques designed to activate and integrate oral-facial reflexes to address oral-facial-cranial symmetry issues.
  19. Discuss how to deal with unique and challenging client situations using MNRI method techniques in context of primary oral-motor activity and articulation skills training.
  20. Apply the course information to create and apply an individual MNRI program for clients with various challenges.
  21. Explore strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI Oral-Facial Reflex Integration course content into daily client and home practice.


Certification: A certificate will be in your SMEI account, after completion of the survey. 


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